Sweet Treat Competition
Rosie Yocom was the winner of our Sweet Treat Competition with her Nutcracker Sweets! Thanks to everyone who shared their favorite desserts.
Rosie Yocom was the winner of our Sweet Treat Competition with her Nutcracker Sweets! Thanks to everyone who shared their favorite desserts.
On this final Sunday of 2024 we gathered for a breakfast service as we reminisced on all the great events, services, and opportunities we were part of this year and look forward to many more in 2025.
The kids of Goodwill led a Service of the Nativity on Christmas Eve followed by our traditional candlelight service. It was great to hear Joyce back on the organ and see so many visitors!
The Goodwill Christian Preschool, together with our Goodwill family, have been collecting food donations to benefit the Twin Valley Food Pantry. On December 15th we assembled Christmas dinner boxes, to be distributed to families in our community this holiday season. We’re fortunate to have the food pantry serving our community. Read more…
After service last Sunday we gathered to decorate the church, followed by soup and sandwiches for lunch. The wreaths and garland are hung, the tree is decorated, and the christmas lights are on. We hope to see you at an upcoming advent service. Our Christmas Eve services are: 6:00 PM Read more…
On Friday we had the opportunity to host a Thanksgiving breakfast for the Goodwill Pre-K and their families. After enjoying a pancake breakfast the kids entertained us with Thanksgiving songs and dance. We ended the morning with parents joining their kids in a competitive Cornicopia game. It was a great Read more…
Our Goodwill family was blessed to be able to pack and contribute shoeboxes this weekend for Operation Christmas Child. These shoeboxes will be donated to kids in need around the world this Christmas season. Thank you to everyone who contributed as we share God’s love and the good news of Read more…
Roasting hot dogs, painting pumpkins, and making smores. Everyone enjoyed a chilly fall night around the campfire.
Goodwill hosted our last chicken BBQ of the year on September 28th. Despite the rainy weather we enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces and many new. Thank you to all who have supported our 2024 BBQs! See you in spring 2025!
As part of our Homecoming Service we collected items for UMCOR Cleaning Kits. The cleaning kits are donated to those affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and other disasters to help with the clean up process. Each buckets is valued at $75 and contains soaps, detergents, brushes, gloves, clothesline, and many Read more…